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Grand Prince: Evony Main City Defense General Trần Hưng Đạo

Evony Epic Historic General Trần Hưng Đạo is a main city defense general who can bring buffs to in-city troops and hospital. The recent round of the Limited Recruit Event has opened up a new way to obtain this general. If you want to know the detailed attributes of Trần Hưng Đạo and other ways to obtain him, please read this guide.

The Story of Trần Hưng Đạo

In the spring of 1288, the commander of the Trần dynasty, Trần Hưng Đạo, raised his flag and ordered his fleet of a hundred warships to charge towards the distant Yuan dynasty navy, engaging in a decisive battle that would determine the fate of the Trần dynasty.
Despite the Yuan army’s possession of giant warships, Trần Hưng Đạo ingeniously harnessed the power of the tides. He lured the Yuan army to shallower waters, causing their giant ships to run aground when the tide receded. He seized the opportunity and ordered his army to unleash a barrage of arrows, raining down upon the Yuan army, who had nowhere to retreat. In the chaos, many soldiers drowned or were struck down by arrows.
Trần Hưng Đạo then led his army in pursuit, capturing the Yuan army’s main generals and commanders, as well as seizing 400 warships. In honor of Trần Hưng Đạo’s great achievements, he was revered as the “Grand Prince Hưng Đạo”.

The Special Skill of Trần Hưng Đạo

Grand Prince:
Increases the ground troops’ HP by 20% and siege machines’ attack by 30% when the General is the Main City’s Defense General.
Ascending attributes:
1※ – When the General is the Main City Defense General, In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense +15% and HP +15%
2※ – When the General is the Main City Defense General, Hospital Capacity +15%
3※ – When the General is the Main City Defense General, In-city Ground Troop Defense +20%, In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense +20%
4※ – When the General is the Main City Defense General, In-city Ground Troop HP +20%, In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP +20%
5※ – When the General is the Main City Defense General, In-city Siege Machine Attack +20%, In-city Ground Troop Defense and HP +15%

The Specialty of Trần Hưng Đạo

The following data are max-level attributes.
  • Siege Machine Formation: Siege Machine Attack and Defense +10%
  • Ambush: (Applied to Main City Defense General) Trap Triggering Chance +20%; In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +10%
  • Siege Machine Ares: Siege Machine Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  • Lý – Song War: (Applied to Main City Defense General) In City Siege Machine Attack +30%; Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -30%

The Way to Get Trần Hưng Đạo

  1. General Portrait Exhibition Event

The 4th and 5th general token items have a probability of issuing Trần Hưng Đạo at this event. You can use the General’s Invitation to redeem them. The details are shown in the table below.
General Token Item
General Invitation
Redeem Chance
Epic Historic General (Common)
General Hall Ⅰ Historic General
  1. King’s Scheme Event

You can use 30 General Mementos to redeem the 1st general token item, Epic Historic General (Common). Use the Epic Historic General (Common), you will have an opportunity to get the General Trần Hưng Đạo.
  1. General Tokens

You might get General Trần Hưng Đạo by opening the Epic General token and the Epic Historic General token.
  • Epic General Token
      In Evony, there is a chance to get Epic General tokens from the General Token Chest.
      So, how to get the General Token Chest?
    • Alliance Competition Event
      1. Novice League – Monarch Scores reach 2,600 – Get the General Token Chest *1
      2. Junior League – Monarch Scores reach 3,000 – Receive the General Token Chest *2
    • Champion Loyalty Rewards
      1. Champions’ loyalty reaches Lv4 to Lv10, and you can claim the General Token Chest.
    • VIP Premium Package
      1. You will obtain the General Token Chest when you purchase the Premium Package of VIP 1 and VIP 4.
  • Epic Historic General Token
      You can get the Epic Historic General token from the Alliance Competition Event.
      If you are in the Elite League and Epic League, you can acquire the Epic Historic General token reward(s) when your Monarch Scores reach 3,500 and 3,400 separately.
  1. Limited Recruit Event

Sometimes, Trần Hưng Đạo exists on the list of the Limited Recruit Event. During the event, you can use the Recruitment Order to recruit the generals displayed on that round. This is not a regular way to obtain Trần Hưng Đạo, because many times he is not among the generals that can be recruited in this period.
  1. Historic City – Thang Long

Attacking Thang Long Historic City can capture the city’s defender, Trần Hưng Đạo.
So, how to get a Historic City?
During the Historic City Event, you need to get enough Valorous Medals through the following paths.
  • Rank in the top 5 places in SvS (Server War)
  • Reach 1,200 scores in BOC (Battle of Constantinople)
  • Purchase basic Gems
The more Valorous Medals you have, the higher ranking you will be.
Then, you will receive different numbers of Historic City Key Fragments based on your ranking. You can consume 30 fragments to redeem 1 Historic City Key and use the key to locate the Historic City.