A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Historic Cities in Evony

One of the most important things Evony players care about is the Historic City. Having a Historic City in Evony will bring us many benefits, such as Epic Historic Generals, and Historic City BUFF. And we will look pretty awesome with Historic Cities because each of them in Evony is designed to be gorgeous and spectacular. In this article, we will explain the advantages of owning a Historic City in detail, and discuss how to gain a Historic City.

The benefits of having a Historic City

  1. Capture an Epic Historic General

Like attacking other Subordinate Cities, attacking Historical Cities can also capture the Generals guarding the city, and these generals are even Epic Historic Generals. The corresponding garrison General of each Historical City is shown in the table below:
Historic City Name
Garrison General Name
Honda Tadakatsu
Mansa Musa
Chang an
Li Shimin
Imperial City of Huế
Tran Hung Dao
Flavius Aetius
Prince Rhaegar
Isabella I
Epang Palace
Emperor Qin Shihuang
Prince Eugene
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Gaius Octavius
Baalbek Temple
  1. Gain powerful BUFFs

Different Historic Cities have different attributes which can offer positive effects for us or negative effects for enemies. The BUFFs and DEBUFFs will be shown as follows. (The Historic Cities that has been or will be added are in the last part ‘Historic City Continuous Updating‘.)

2.1 Historical city of alliance bonus:


  1. Alliance Ranged Troop Attack +15%
  2. Alliance March Speed +15%
  3. Attacking Ranged Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  4. Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%


  1. Attacking Mounted Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  2. The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking. +10%
  3. Alliance Hospital Capacity +10%
  4. Alliance Construction Speed +10%

Chang an

  1. Alliance Mounted Troop Attack +15%
  2. Alliance Deserter Capacity +15%
  3. March Size Capacity +10%
  4. Ground Troop Attack +10

Imperial City of Huế

  1. Alliance Ground Troop Attack +15%
  2. Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -15%
  3. Marching Ground Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  4. Alliance Research Speed +10%


  1. Alliance Siege Machine Attack +15%
  2. Alliance Research Speed +10%
  3. Marching Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  4. Enemy Siege Machine Attack-15%


  1. Marching Ranged Troop Attack and HP +30%
  2. Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%
  3. Alliance Training Capacity +10%
  4. March Size Capacity +10%

2.2 Historical city of individual bonus:

  1. Troops Attack +15%
  2. Enemy Siege Machine Attack -15%
  3. In City Ground Troop Attack +15%
  4. Alliance March Speed +10%
  1. Ranged Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +30%
  2. Enemy Ground Troop Attack -10%
  3. In City Mounted Troop Defense +15%
  4. Alliance Training Capacity +10%
  1. Mounted Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +30%
  2. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense -10%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP -10%
  4. Alliance Training Capacity +10%
  1. Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +30%
  2. Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -10%
  3. In City Mounted Troop Defense +15%
  4. Alliance March Speed +10%
  1. Ground Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +30%
  2. Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense -10%
  4. Alliance Training Capacity +10%
  1. Ground and Mounted Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  2. Marching Ground and Mounted Troop Attack +20%
  3. Enemy Ground and Mounted Troop Attack -10%
  4. Alliance Training Capacity +10%

The Way to Get a Historic City

The most crucial step in acquiring a Historic City is to get enough Valorous Medals. Because Valorous Medals are equivalent to your personal points, the more Valorous Medals you get, the higher your ranking. Evony will re-rank players according to them every day, and then give you different amounts of Historic City Key Fragments according to your ranking.
Players who have accumulated enough 30 fragments can exchange them for a Historic City Key on the Redeem page in the Event Rewards.
The Valorous Medal can be obtained in the following ways:
  1. Be the Conqueror in the last Server War (SvS).
  2. Place top 5 in the last Server War Personal Ranking.
  3. Gain 1,200 scores or above in a single round of the Battle of Constantinople.
  4. Reach a specific ranking in the Single Time Damage list of the World Boss event.
  5. Purchase Gems to get Valorous Medals of the same amount of Gems we purchased.
  • A player can not own two same Historic Cities. Do not be greedy.
  • Historic City Key Fragment will disappear after the event ends, so please remember to redeem the rewards in time.
  • After using a Historic City Key, the player will lose war protection (bubble) for 10 minutes while going to attack the Historic City.

Historic City Continuous Updating


  1. Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack, Defense and HP +15%
  2. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP -10%
  3. Triple Covenant (Up to 3 stacks): Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +10% (Alliance)
  4. Triple Assault (Up to 3 stacks): March Speed +10% (Alliance)

Epang Palace

  1. Ground and Mounted Troop Formation: Ground and Mounted Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +15%
  2. Triple Covenant (Up to 3 stacks): Ground and Mounted Troop Attack (Alliance) +10%
  3. Ground and Mounted Troop Weakening: Enemy Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defense -10%
  4. Triple Construction (Up to 3 stacks): Construction Speed (Alliance) +10%


  1. Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack, Defense and HP +10%
  2. Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +20%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense -10%
  4. Alliance Training Capacity +10% (Alliance)


  1. All Troops Attack +10%
  2. Defending Troops HP +50%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack -15%
  4. March Speed +10% (Alliance)

Leaning Tower of Pisa

  1. Triple Covenant (Up to 3 stacks): Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defense +10% (Alliance)
  2. Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +25%
  3. Enemy Ground and Mounted Troops Defense and HP -5%
  4. Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%


  1. Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
  2. Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +20%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense and HP -5% (Alliance) (Up to 3 stacks)
  4. Enemy Ground Troop Defense and HP -10%

Baalbek Temple

  1. Alliance Ground Troops Attack, Defense, and HP +6% (Up to 3 stacks)
  2. Ground Troop Attack +30%
  3. Enemy Ranged Troop Defense and HP -10%
  4. Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -20%