Guide to Evony Coronation Fountain Feature & 2025 St. Patrick’s Day

With the release of the 2025 St. Patrick’s Day events, Evony has also updated to version 4.94.0. The new version adds a new feature – Coronation Fountain and optimizes some old features (such as dragon feeding, BOG rewards, and RSS gathering). Besides, new generals Sargon I and Brian Boru have been added during this event, and the big Ideal Land Ornament has returned. Please read this guide for details.

Evony New Feature Coronation Fountain

This new feature launched with Evony’s 2025 St. Patrick’s Day version update.
The Coronation Fountain is a building that was once blessed by the gods. By offering sacrifices to the gods in front of the Coronation Fountain, you can receive the blessings of the gods.
There are a total of 6 Blessed Relics in Coronation Fountain, each with buffs in three different directions.
  1. Hephaestus’s Craftsmanship
    1. All troops HP
    2. Research speed
    3. Construction speed
  2. Demeter’s Vitality
    1. In-rally troop HP
    2. All RSS production
    3. All troops load
  3. Apollo’s Precision
    1. All troops defense
    2. Training capacity
    3. Subordinate city training speed
  4. Zeus’s Might
    1. All troops attack
    2. March speed
    3. Increases all RSS gathering speed
  5. Aceso’s Compassion
    1. In-rally ranged troop attack
    2. Healing speed
    3. Ranged troop HP
  6. Poseidon’s Command
    1. In-rally siege machine HP
    2. March speed to monsters
    3. Troops attack on monsters
Upgrading a Blessed Relic needs to consume the Sacrificial Coin.
The number of sacrificial coins required to upgrade each Blessed Relic is not exactly the same. Also, the number of sacrificial coins required for each level of the same Blessed Relic is different.
You can receive the Sacrificial Coin from the King’s Sacrificial package. Each pack includes 80 coins.

Evony 2025 St. Patrick’s Day New Generals

Epic Historic General Sargon I
Basic Special Skill: Increases troops’ defense and HP by 10% when he is the Military Academy Officer.
You can get this general at the King’s Party event during Evony 2025 St. Patrick’s Day. Buy gems (or packages including gems) to level up the party cake. When your cake reaches Lv10, you can claim the general’s exclusive token.
Epic Historic General Brian Boru
Basic Special Skill: Increases ranged troops’ attack and HP by 50% when he is leading the army to attack. Increases ranged troops and siege machines’ defense by 35% when he brings any Dragon or Spiritual Beast to attack.
You have a high probability of obtaining this general at the Historic General Summoning event during St. Patrick’s Day. Buy the biggest event package to get Epic Historic General (Glory). Then, use it to summon generals including Brian Boru.

Evony 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Officer Equipment

During the event, you can also get the Officer Equipment Scroll Chest (Interior) at the King’s Party event when your cake reaches Lv8.

Officer Equipment Scroll Chest (Interior)

Open the chest to select an Officer Equipment Scroll you want from the following scrolls.
  • Consul’s Staff Scroll
  • Consul’s Toga Scroll
  • Hospital Officer’s Staff Scroll
  • Hospital Officer’s Robe Scroll
  • Academy Officer’s Staff Scroll
  • Academy Officer’s Robe Scroll
  • Archer Tower Officer’s Staff Scroll
  • Archer Tower Officer’s Armor Scroll
  • Holy Palace Officer’s Staff Scroll
  • Holy Palace Officer’s Robe Scroll
By the way, new Officer Equipment has been added to Evony.

Consul’s Ring

Basic Attributes:
  • All RSS production +5%
  • In-city troop attack +5%
Forging this equipment requires Lv7 materials – 20 each of leather, dragon scale, bronze, and wood.

Consul’s Boots

Basic Attributes:
  • Construction speed +5%
  • All troops HP +2%
Forging this equipment also requires Lv7 materials – 20 each of leather, dragon scale, bronze, and wood.

Voyage to Civilizations Ideal Land Ornaments

  1. Celestial Globe

The Celestial Globe released during Starry Pilgrimage last time is still available in this Voyage to Civilizations event.
Celestial Globe’s max-level attributes:
  • March size capacity +5000
  • Attacking mounted troop attack +10%
  • Enemy ground troop HP -10%
  • Prosperity point +800
During the Voyage to Civilizations event, you may obtain the Celestial Globe by consuming golden ship wheels to voyage. Then, you can also use golden commemorative coins to redeem it. Use each 7 coins to redeem it once. Own 31 Celestial Globes can upgrade it to the max level.
In addition, a 6×6 champion ornament, Altar of the Fatherland, has returned during this event.
  1. Altar of the Fatherland

The Altar of the Fatherland cannot be obtained through voyage but can be exchanged by golden commemorative coins. It can be exchanged once for every 12 coins. Similarly, having 31 Altar of the Fatherlands can upgrade it to the max level.
Through the voyage, you have a chance to get a golden commemorative coin and a pile of golden commemorative coins.
The golden commemorative coins can be accumulated and do not need to be spent during the event. You can save them for the next Voyage to Civilizations event.
Altar of the Fatherland attributes:
Prosperity Point
March size capacity +250
March size capacity +500
Attacking ground troop attack +3%
March size capacity +750
Attacking ground troop attack +4%
March size capacity +1000
Attacking ground troop attack +5%
March size capacity +1500
Attacking ground troop attack +6%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -1%
March size capacity +2000
Attacking ground troop attack +7%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -2%
March size capacity +2500
Attacking ground troop attack +9%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -3%
March size capacity +3000
Attacking ground troop attack +11%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -5%
March size capacity +4000
Attacking ground troop attack +13%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -7%
March size capacity +5000
Attacking ground troop attack +15%
Enemy ranged troop & siege machine defense -10%
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